Imagitour: (Re)trace tourist movements in the Centre region

Published on 04 July 2013 - Updated 12 July 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

A multidisciplinary research programme funded by the Centre region, Imagitour examines the movements, practices and pictures of tourists to the Region. To do this, the project combines surveys carried out with tourists, the analysis of their pictures and the collection of their digital traces.

While surveys usually focus on enclosed spaces or where there is a fee for admission, the point of this project is to more clearly understand the roles played by nature and open spaces in the region's tourist appeal. It is also seeking to put forward tools for use by tourism, culture and environmental education stakeholders. 

In June the project team organised meetings in Tours with the region's tourist stakeholders to present them the progress made in the research and get a clearer idea of their expectations for steering surveys – particularly in the field over the summer – and the digital apps to be developed. 

The development of two tools is in the pipeline: 

  • an interactive application prototype for individual tourists to create custom tourist itineraries;
  • a portal project for tourism institutions and organisations in the Region.




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